Would You Use Bacon Lube During Sex?

America. Sex. Bacon. For the Win, part II. This time, with bacon lube. Yes, I am seriously talking about lube that tastes like bacon!  Now consider that when Canadians were give the choice, 4 out of 10 Canadians chose bacon over sex.  Well, now the choice is clear: baconlube. Every. Time.

Normally, lube doesn't taste that great. Some lube is downright awful.  Other lube [--gooooood lord! I haven't published that article on lube?? I wrote that like 2 years ago...ok, their is a lube article in the pipeline...pun intended] Where was I? Oh yeah, other lube can actually taste pretty delicious and is made with nice things that you wouldn't mind eating...because like it or not, you are sticking it in your body. So what is the best tasting thing ever? Bacon.  Yup. I said it.

Now if you have ever had sex and then wanted to switch to oral but stopped because you didn't want to step on that landmine again...bacon lube is your new best friend. It makes having a quick snack not only pleasant but mandatory.  I am talking about both for guys and girls because humans love bacon so I see this lube being responsible for an massive increase in 69.

That said, I have have not yet been able to get my hands this lube as it's been sold out every time I have looked (duh).   And of course, you can also check out the bacon condom because these things go together like bacon and bacon.

So put the lover into bacon lover and get some bacon lube. You can get a 2 Oz. bottle of baconlube for $11.99